
Total Diplomacy Risk Game Strategies

Scenario 5

By SuperUser Account :::: Saturday, March 3, 2007

:: Article Rating :: Diplomacy, Online, Treaty, Player Profile

Risk Startegies. Scenario 5: Stuck in Asia

Let's look at this scenario in detail. The idea is to examine it from all angles and find out what is the best outcome.


You were originally in Africa, but you decided that it was too competitive and if you stay there you will be squeezed between Brown and Yellow. So you decided to leave and make your luck elsewhere.

You went to Asia and adopted a strategy of slow concentrated growth. All you wanted was not to get kicked out of the game.

Meanwhile, everyone else was busy conquering their continents secure. Blue has just managed to get his continent. Green will get Europe in one turn. Yellow and Brown already have their continents, but are aggressively competing over Africa.

Brown was clever earlier on. He made a treaty with Blue over Central America not to be attacked. He has since counted on this and has moved all his armies to a single front, which is helping him greatly to fight in Africa.

All players are quite experienced.


Blue, having secured his continent is interested to expand, but where? Next turn, if he gets cards as well, he would have a large number of armies to place on the map. Should he break the deal to get South America in one go? Wouldn't that be immoral? Brown is already fighting Yellow, so if Brown is attacked by Blue, he may have no chance to bite back. If the deal is broken, would Blue be able to sleep at night with a clear conscience?


Brown has counted too much on Blue, and feels vulnerable. At the same time he sees Africa within grasp.


Yellow, the most powerful, is in a good defensive position. But he needs to expand. Africa, Europe or Asia?


Green is looking to get a deal with someone, since he is in the middle of the world and is squeezed from every direction. Blue probably would be reluctant to make a deal as he already has a treaty. No one owns Africa yet, so no clear leader to approach.


As for you, you are threatening everyone with the largest concentrated army on the map. Everyone can be a target. They all know that if they let you grow, you will be a big problem in the future. But no one is willing to do anything about it. It is too costly for them to attack you for no potential gain. In short, they are all doomed. You are exploiting this and slowly growing. You only have one problem: If they gang up against you, you will be out of the game in no time. You have to make sure that you keep them divided.

Here is the card information:


Risk Game Table - Scenario 5


To thoroughly analyse this we need to play it out from everybody's point of view. Once we know what are the best moves anyone can have, we can then work out how the game will progress.


Playing as Red: What would you do? Blue’s move may have a significant effect on the game, what would he do and what you do about it if you are Red? Would you carry on growing, or initiate an attack to control the game. How do you keep them divided.

Playing as Blue:

Would you attack South America? What would you do about Red?

Playing as Green: 

Who to make a deal with? What to do? Where to go? Red?

Playing as Yellow:

Where to expand to? Should you fight to death to get Africa, or give it up. The Red forced, what about them?

Playing as Brown:

Can I count on Blue? Is it worth? When should I change my attitude towards the risk I am taking?


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