Subject: Questions about alliances?
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16 Mar 2007 4:01 AM  
I think that i find it best to only make brief alliances. Such as: If one person is taking over the world, or simply getting very powerful or "stocking up", then make an alliance to take them out. It keeps the game going and then you dont have to keep the alliance that long. If you make alliances for only a couple of turns, and make it clear, then you accomplish a common goal and then you dont have to wait that long to "break it". Then they dont get mad at you for breaking the alliance because you only have to keep it for a couple turns. then people dont hold grudges and attack you later out of revenge. 

Ehsan HonaryUser is Offline

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16 Mar 2007 4:02 AM  
Absolutely agree with this. It is certainly the most effective. The only problem is that a short alliance that is good for you can be better for the other party if it was a bit longer for him. Hence there is art in negotiating the best deal that leads to a short alliance that is better for you (and hopefully no one else).

Ofcourse, as always there are exceptions. Sometime, a mutual benefit can go a long way and doesnt even have to be declared as an alliance.

Ehsan Honary
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16 Mar 2007 4:03 AM  
Short alliances are one of the main parts of my strategy. I usually have multiple truces at certain borders that last for only 2 or 3 turns.

You can always convince the other player that it beneficial for them because they can focus completely on another front. As long as that front is on the opposite side of the board as you, it is hurting two players, and helping you by having two players wasting their reinforcments on each other.

By doing this you can also fight other wars, and das long as you are smart about it, you can use it to fight much more beneficial wars than the other player is getting out of it. By doing this you can also have only 1 army at the border, freeing up armies for elsewhere. Be sure to be very clear on when the truce ends, however, so you aren't stuck with one man defending against a player who may have benefitted more than you from the truce.

cyray7User is Offline


03 Jun 2007 6:33 PM  
I disagree with you. You have to be very careful when making any type of alliance, as it can backfire. Staying back and waiting won't work though, as the other people will be gaining more power than you, and will un-treaty and destroy you.
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Forums > RISK > Risk Game Strategies > Questions about alliances?