Solution for Scenario 1

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Solution 1.D

Article Rating:::: 25 Ratings :::: Saturday, March 3, 2007

Risk Strategies, Solution 1.D: Slow Growth


Slow Growth

I would cash in the cards. I will put 4 in Scandinavia and 6 in Ukraine (consider them as insurance!).

I will then make a nonaggression pact with Blue for Greenland, with the condition being that I will take Iceland from him. It is very unlikely that he will reject, as his position is utterly terrible. So, he will accept my offer.

Then I shall wait. I would cash my Europe bonus and slowly grow.  Yellow needs continents. So he may like to go for Africa since it is small and easily reachable. A few turns later, Yellow will assault the Middle East (probably winning) and moves his troops to that conflict area. I will then slowly try to grow in Asia getting one country after the other. I will make sure that Yellow doesn't get too upset, so he can carry on his assault on Green and leave me alone. In fact I will passively encourage him to do so (I can't talk about it actively, because I have a treaty with Green and I don't want to upset him either).

Meanwhile Blue is in war with Green. Green will eventually collapse as a result. At this point the situation is as follows:

  • Yellow gets Africa and may go for South America as well, either for the continent, or for Green's cards.

  • Blue owns North America, and probably likes to get South America as the Yellow troops are probably thin there.

  • Green is gone.

Both Blue and Yellow are probably exhausted. This is the chance I was waiting for! I shall attack Blue from Kamchatka and Iceland and try to take Blue out in one go. I get his cards and I will end up in a much better position than Yellow.

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MHC   By MHC @ Thursday, October 9, 2008 6:44 PM
What would your response be if you can't eliminate Blue and Yellow kills for the cards?

What would your response be if Yellow attacks when you expand into Asia?

What would your response be if Green realizes you're provoking a war between him and Yellow?

What would your response be if Green doesn't die?

MaleAlphaThree   By MaleAlphaThree @ Monday, April 27, 2009 7:18 PM
If I was Green I would buckle up, let go of North America for a bit, and ensure that I rob Red of his bonus as soon as he got it back. Europe is such a major threat, that anyone and everyone should attack it at any given time, and never trust anyone that holds it.

slickandjake   By slickandjake @ Friday, September 24, 2010 3:11 PM
This plan is one of the best options, in my opinion, except that I would wait to cash the cards until after blue does. I do not have an immediate threat after my turn except from blue, who will likely cash cards. If I can secure Europe, then slowly growing in northern asia while allowing yellow to get to Africa is a great way to play this. Then the other three are fighting each other while you are growing. The only problem is, I don't want yellow to win Africa. Therefore, once he gets a foothold in Africa, which will likely allow blue to squeeze green as well, then I want to make a play at this point. And the play will likely be at green, if I can make a move to grab his cards before others can. I also do not want blue to win N.A. and S.A. If this happens, I need to ponder a move against either blue to relieve pressure on green, or make a move on green if I can win his cards. This is all a delicate balance, however, as you want to keep control of Europe while avoiding over-extension and the threat of counter-attack from any of the three.

MyWorld   By MyWorld @ Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:23 PM
When yellow gets africa and SA, i cut communication, and eliminate the african and south american bonuses by attacking North Africa, and brazil. Then i eliminate the struggling blue

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